Iam a college student and i work part time at a local clinic in my town. I have roughly 2 semisters left before i can begin to reach for a successful career in the criminal justice system.. In my spare time i like to observe and enjoy the simple pleasure of the out doors. There is nothing more relaxing then a walk through the woods, or under the stars when i have extra room and money to spare i enjoy escaping to a nice romantic spot at the lake or river, fishing/or camping. When life starts to stress me out the simple breeze runing through my hair from the back of a motor cycle or quad ( 6 wheeler/ 4 wheeler ) enlightens me. Some of my pass time activities include drawing, writing, ( Journals poems, web designing etc ).I also like to take my dogs for a walk or lay under the stars. I have 9 piercings My nose, Tongue, Belly Button and 3 in each ear
I have one tattoo that i drew myself and its on my left foot .
Things that are really important to me
i have a very close relationship with my grand parents and aunts they have a major impact on my life. They are laid back and really open minded. I do not associate with my birth givers. For many reasons that i will discuss later if we are drawn to each other.
Iam a firm believer in morals, values and i feel that if you love someone or care a great deal about someoen you will take there beliefs into consideration adn respect them as a person. Do not be to quick to judge someone, before you take the time to get to know them.
I also believe that if you have a sense of love for aperson you will only strive for them, need them, desire them, The belief of marriage and communication seems to be less important to alot of people now. and when times get rough divorce seems to be the answer..I do not believe in divorce, i think that if you are bond to that person and love them, then you will do everything you vowed and work towards making the relationship work.
With all that being said iam blonde i have baby blue eyes, i am 5ft and i currently weight 200 pounds. I am trying to lose weight to increase attaction adn to build a healthy lifestyle. I would love for nothing more than for someone to assist me in reaching my goals. Iam not over weight because i am lazy.. I am over weight due to medical reasons and if you would like to know more about them feel free to ask. Iam open minded, optimistic and considerate.