I consider myself to be reasonably cultured and intelligent, good conversation a little irreverent, I have very good humor, like to laugh.
So I think more honest to say that understanding me is not only a matter of intelligence but of feeling contact empathize.
Like everyone, I have flaws. If I get to know you well enough to tell you what they are I hope by then you will know me well enough to accept them.
I like the good things of the life. Or rather, what I think are the good things in life: good music, good friends, smiles, laughs, good books, travel, meet different people and places, like the sun, homemade food, shared a dinner with friends or a partner.
I admire intelligence. I admire people who have not only certainties, but also have doubts - because these can change, usually for the better.
I look for a woman who is gentle, honest, reasonably cultured, well informed. A balanced person who "does not quarrel" with life.
I have no compatibility with the extremely vain, arrogant, egocentric.