I am just a normal man who loves my life.
Besides being a very down to earth man who has experienced life in most of its forms, travelled extensively to both the East and West ,( EXCLUDING The USA ) . I am a simple and sincere man who tries to enjoy life for what it is and offers.
I confidently regard myself as an intelligent, funny and kind person who loves to be with people where I excel but need my private space every now and then too. This does not necessarily mean away from my partner and family though. They can be in the next room while I nurture my sole with my guitar, lap top or a good book. I love the outdoors, sharing the nature with my family, friends and dogs or just searching for shells on the beach, and enjoying the sound of the sea. Being adventurous, I love climbing one mountain or the other, camping or sky diving when I can afford to.
I try to express myself and capture my world in my writing of my songs and now in my attempt at writing a book. - I am an idealistic dreamer and am forever trying to improve myself and the world - from there the cynicism and the laughter - much of it at myself.
Sometimes I surprise even myself just how rebellious I can be in some ways but very conservative in others. The corporate world in which I am involved for now is not exactly what I like but tolerate it for the sake of the profession.
Cooking is my favorite therapy especially when I am stressed and need to take my mind off the realities of my day. Being a Pisces, I love the sea and nature and am very grateful to be living in Cape Town, having moved here from JHB dECEMBER 2009 friendship means a lot to me and I am a loyal friend .