I'm a person who likes to enjoy the best things I have in life: my family and my friends. I admire every single one of them regardless of the mistakes we all make....
I'm a down to earth girl I take pride on everything that I do. I have no regrets in life. Everything happens for a reason. Life is too short to be looking back I do not belive in mistakes, I believe in good and bad experiences and learning from them is just up to us.
Life is a treasure and each one of us chooses how to spend it, take care of it and appreciate it. Life is a one way trip where there is no going back,
one time opportunity to be happy with yourself and be who you really are. If you are not happy with yourself, nobody will be able to make you feel differently.
I have complaint about difficult times. But difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful
life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever so I try to live life to the fullest and l
et the past be the past and don't let it interfere with my present; and for most I don't let my happenings ruin my happiness.