I was born in a place which was once described as heaven on earth. A place having a long history of violence and blood and a place where young blood was asking for” azaadi”, that was the time I was born. Brought up in Shivalik range of Himalayas, a place most of you visit only in atlas. In a time that wasn't measured by cuckoos that sprang out of the clocks. In a silence, that was sometimes punctuated by howling winds and gushing streams.
Being a wanderer, i enjoy travelling a lot, particularly to hills. Being from a Kashmiri hindu family I am a person of very simple taste. Watching the final rays of sun before it sets down with a promise of rising the very next day, the final red color of sky, before night crawls in, gives me more pleasure than anything. Not a very avid reader I wasn't fascinated by books. Actually never believe in book-knowledge. Knowledge is what we get out of the book , in the real world. Like a moth gets attracted towards light I have been always been fascinated by the knowledge that nature gives.
A dreamer to the core, I dream of someday absolving all the captivity of this world and escaping into a world which nature has to offer. A society free of any customs, the only connectivity should be of thought and not mobile, where I can be my own myself. A world that has nothing to do with yours. Seems like enough reason to be there.