I live in a beautiful, rural area Close to a river and a large lake. Heavily forested, full of wildlife. Oh! and the starry nights can be breath taking! One morning as I watched from my back porch as the dew lifted these words came to me, comforting me in the reflection of my loss;
Chivalry turned against me,
Dearth of heart overcomes me some days.
The need to convalesce takes over,
The sweet smell of change,
Reeling and feeling in my life again!
Maybe I am a bit hard to understand sometimes. I've been through allot. I know that I am a good man and I understand my heart. My sincere wish is that I will find she for whom my soul aches" soon! My faith in this has been injured once, then again, but I remain strong in this resolve... You are out there somewhere, we SHALL one day be together!