I'm not so attractive naturally, but could be aesthetically. Wants to live life with a lifelong partner as approaching my 50s. Seeks health-conscious person and with good attitude towards life and career.
I'm asian so I seek someone of opposite race...not brown, yellow, or black but white. I felt it's a great complementing convergence of culture and tastes.
I'm a sweet person, hyperactive actually. I always like kisses, hugs, and french kissing to a right partner. This makes a great physical, psychological and emotional connection.
I also tend to be boyish than being feminine esp for work preferences and everyday fashion, but doesn't mean I'm incapable to displaying my best as an attractive woman I enjoy outdoor activities more with a partner so I think that's how we spend our time together.
I appreciate a guy who takes time to write and discuss things, prepares and cooks food with me, and get creative with the resources around us could offer.