How are you and how are you coping with life?.
looking for a good friend, but not just a friend, but honest one.
In the light of the above, If the world was to be ruled by love peace and understanding, mankind
would have loved to dwell in forever. That means love is a natural
thing enacted by the creator god as such it becomes inevitable like
the food, air and water we consume daily.
With that, i will love to say if you and i can practice love based on
truth and Godliness and uphold it in our daily lives, we shall serve
as a living or roll model for others to follow.
So, i will suggest, we make the first step by being friends. If you
are in accord with the said above, get in touch with me via my email.
Please l am indeed, looking forward to hearing from you, and learn a
little more about you that's if you are interested to be part of me
and see what happens in future.