I think that the relation makes in the heaven and come to reality on the earth. Everything is preplanned on the heaven and God execute that preplanned format on the earth. Human is just a medium. Marriage is the best example. You never get anything more or less what is in your destiny. Marriage is not a short play of some hours. This is a long life question. I think marriage is a meeting of two souls. Physical bodies are just the base. Marriage is pure relation like water in an ocean, and crystal clear like diamond which bright you forever.
I feel that Marriage is like a Dish and sincerity, loyalty, commitment, trust and honesty are the basic ingredients of it. More the quality ingredients you will put into this Dish, more the Sweet Dish you will get. Life is like a taste. If your Dish (Marriage) will be full of these basic ingredients then your taste (Life) will be superb otherwise it will unbalance your future. Successful Marriage requires strong trust between the two souls, and where there is trust there is Love, where there is Love there is Success, where there is Success there is Happiness, where there is Happiness there is Good Health.
Love a way to reach God. Love is a feeling and it's an attraction that forces two souls to become one. Love is not meaning the love between only lovers When father kisses her daughter this a love. When mother hug her son this is a love. When new born child touch her mother and in response mother her love. Birds sound is a love for other bird. God's love for his devotee is love. When Brother fights with his sister this is also a love. When two kids making funny stuffs this is also a love. So we can't define love from one angle. It's our perception to look it. When there is love there will be emotions. Without emotions love is like a dead body. SO MARRIAGE AND LOVE ARE COMPLEMENTARY OF EACH OTHER.
True words are those which comes directly from the inner core of the heart so my heart is true and clean like crystal water so i have to share lot with my life partner so words are extreme more and space is very less here so ping me for talk next step ahead... waiting for my soulmate