New Here...
Best Friends, Forever, Truly? ) x
Hello, I am a free-spirited naughty take a chance, (Risk) type (girly, boy next door) guy who is looking to meet a Forever, best friend.
A girl that likes other Angel (naughty) girlies too (bisexual - Love) would be more suited to me. :) I am straight & only looking for the One True Love. Midnight, moonlight, hand in hand walks, by the sea & camping trips, is more my style of interest in Us living life, 4 today.
I understand that may rule out 99% of the girl/s who may read my advert here, but that is OK, with me. :) As, I am just looking for the One.
Oh, being very honest, with You, I have a Love, (naughty obsession) for a girly in a white blouse black skirt / black tights... No, high heels needed. Smiling, again at You! (tongue in cheek).
I am a Light smoker & 420 Cannabliss, friendly. And, rarely drink alcohol, except maybe, on a Lovely, evening at home, with, You? ) x