I am living large and taking charge ;)
I get ignored so much that my nickname should be Terms And Conditions.
Love me, hate me - either way you're thinking of me!
If time is money I am running out of time.
I'd rather eat chocloate than worry about if I have a thigh gap!
WARNING: I have an attitude and I know how to use it!
I'm so HOT - I make fire!
My daily routine: Get up. Be awesome. Go back to bed.
When I get lonely I set my phone's alarm to go off every 15 minutes and imagine people are texting me.
Perhaps I could be of assistance? After all, I happen to be awesome.
I have a disease called AWESOME. Kiss me I'm contagious!
I have an eating disorder. I'm about to eat dis order of pizza, dis order of fries and dis order of nuggets.
I meant to behave, but there were so many other options.
I wish Facebook would notify me when someone delete's me. That way I could 'Like' it