Some people come in and out of your life without leaving enough good memories to tide you through your loneliest moments. There are those who drop by for a short period of time just to share some intimate moments them promptly disappear after sunrise. Then there are those who will fill your life with many and small thoughtful sweet nothings, enough to keep a smile on your face for years to come. When it comes in finding the right person i believe that it is important that i should also be made of the right stuff to be someone's right person. I feel that i have reached the level of maturity which leads me to prefer a lasting and meaningful friendship over temporary non-committal companionships that come and go. I believe that a relationship is built on shared experiences, united in the joys of life and even more united during trying times. Even the ordinary things i do like watching movie or swimming in the pool become special moments when shared with that "special" someone... but who and where is my "special someone"?... could be the nicest person i ran into this morning on my way to work, or the caller who dialed my phone number by mistake last night, the person doesn't have to be "PERFECT"... in the end though, there's no such thing as a perfect partner. What's possible is when two imperfect couple find themselves perfect for one another whoever is interested to add me up in their circle fill free to drop me a line and leave your email add ok THANKS!
About me...
I'm a passionate guy, about life, family, friends and those who i let close to my heart and soul. My attributes are probably not too different from those of the average young man whose made it through all of these generations of trials and tribulations. Part renegade, rebel, radical just by virtue of my lifestyle. I'm proud, determined, above average in the intelligence and looks department. Hopefully you can be the judge of that. I'm loyal, trustworthy, honest and not afraid of intimacy or emotional attachments. In fact, I fair better with someone to compliment my life, not complicate it. I'm young at heart, but an old soul. I love to laugh, make others feel good, and share in all the good things that life has to offer. I know my talents, limitations, weaknesses, and strengths not only that i also have a great self-esteem, and i have confidence. I take pride in being me and have no desire to be another person except myself.