He works.I work.We split bills.He leaves me alone to my hobbies.I leave him alone to his hobbies.At night time we watch DVD's or illegally download movies together.
I makes him sandwich.He gives me back rub.
We joke about how the people we know are stupid.
He tells me about how annoying his friends are.
I tell him how annoying my friends are.
We laugh together. Days off are spent surfing the web together, playing games together or occasionally going outside to do some stuff like:
Get coffee and make fun of taking selfies and post it on facebook.Eat together at restaurants that have cool atmosphere.Go to the movies.
We respect one another by never cheating.
Never judge one another or get jealous.
We trust each other.
Have cute arguments like who's turn it is into dishes or who will cook.
We're like a team. A club.
A 2 person gang that nobody else is allowed to join.
It's us versus everyone else.
....Bottomline is...I'm tired of life's drama and taking it too seriously, LIFE IS TOO SHORT so Enjoy every moment of it as long as you still alive, laugh hard till ur stomach hurt.