I always find it somewhat difficult to sum up the whole of myself in a short paragraph? I am naturally a happy, lively, funny, witty and passionate individual. I truly love nothing more that making someone smile or laugh (even if at my own expense LOL I am independent and always willing to try something new, whether that be a new kind of food (recently discovered sushi - what took me so long?!? - and I admit I have a slight obsession now) or undertaking a full scale overhaul of my condo.
I have an unrestrained appreciation for animals, wild or domestic, and currently volunteer for a small cat shelter. I have only 1 cat of my own, however, rest assured I am not that crazy cat lady that you may have just pictured. ;)
I do not have and cannot have children, nor do I
want children in the future, my own or a partner's. I know that may sound odd coming from a woman as it seems that nearly every woman on the face of the planet wants children, and it's not for a lack of fascination and love of children, there are just many many more things I'd rather do. I feel it is best to be up front about this as I know this can be a deal breaker for potential partners.
As I think of more things about myself I will continue to add them....