If you're going to write, at last have one picture posted. You'll get a response out of me.
On a lot of dating sites there is that all inclusive question. What would you do on your first date. There are so many things one can do like the generic stuff; coffee at Starbucks. A walk in the park, or watching movies. How about a spontaneous trip to Vancouver british Columbia, or Niagara Falls, Ontario? Or the Skywalk in Arizona, or the Space Airport in New Mexico, or the visit to the Tomb of the Unknown in Washington, DC? I'm not saying it will happen, but I'll never know until the right woman comes along.
I'm from Indianapolis, but left 35-years ago. Of that I live in Canada for 20-years. Eh!
I don't jog, wear speedo's, smoke, nor use drugs that are not prescribed. I can see my feet, have hardly any love handles, and I'm a meat eater.. Please accept my right to do so.
What's a jail Never been in one, but have helped a few get there. Nope, I'm not a cop, although I have worked with the Indiana State Police and Washington State Patrol Troopers..
I am a private pilot with a Canadian and US pilot's license.
Enough about me.