Hello, I am Aurelien, everybody calls me Aulo instead. I am French, 38, living in the Netherlands and also in Paris.
I am looking for getting someone to travel with but mainly for a relationship.
Frequent traveler, I visited 49 countries, on all continents, and lived in 4 of them (France, Sweden, Belgium and now the Netherlands).
I am quite an easy-going person and reliable no drama and always take the fun side and I am supportive.
I teach in several universities around the world (I teach law, in NL, Brazil, France, Iceland and japan created and organise job fairs and I created a world competition between universities also to help visibility and support students for their career.
I hope to meet someone I would travel with but also I would help with my network I know well Caribbean islands and also Provence in the South of France where my roots are, as well Scandinavia where I spent a part of my life.
Above all, I am a simple guy.