I am a southern gentlemen, born and raised in Florida located in the United States.
I am a writer of fiction and self improvement novels, as well as short stories. I also have a strong love for art, and find beauty in all things in our world. In my eyes, however, women posses the truest form of beauty.
I am a strong believer in treating women equally and with the utmost respect. I am also against cheating, using people, liars.
I am a strong minded man with the strength to help others stand when they are at their lowest in life.
I am a confident man with an equal attraction to true confidents.
I study many things as well. I believe that knowledge is the best gift we can give ourselves. I have studied the mind, habits, understanding the choices people make and how they effect their lives. I also read quite abit on health, and things that can be done to better ones self.