Me originally from the far north Viking country, have however spent most of my life exploring the worlds ocean, and the land that comes with it. Marine biologist (however now work in the freshwater field) and love being near,on, or in the ocean, hence where I try to spend most of my free time. Moved here to Perth not long ago and honestly still trying to adjust to the climate(brrr is cold). Also educated a zumba instructor so this takes up some time aswell. Belive in karma, love pets (miss my dog),like some humans aswell so no worries there, like or rather love red wine (some say its good for you, so I belive in them). Nothing like a good barbie, yes already adjusting I think. Anyways Im a happy person, and therefore like being around other persons who have the right characters.. Someone outgoing, positive person with a great sense of humour, and good personality. These are the things that lasts...looks fade..
Also im not necessarily here to find my ''true love'' which i think rarely happens on these sites since i believe that the so often mentioned chemistry between two people is the key ; but more so friends like a hiking buddy, surfbuddy, explore the oceanbuddy, cavingbuddy, travelbuddy so on :-)