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Verified TassieTyger

Meet Single Australian man from Devonport

Age: 50 y.o, man, Single
Location: Australia, Tasmania, Devonport
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius (check compatibility)
Status: Verified
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TassieTyger Australian Man from Devonport
TassieTyger Australian Man from Devonport
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Age: 47 y.o. 
186 cm (6' 1'')
140 kg (311 lbs)
Age: 71 y.o. 
158 cm (5' 2'')
44 kg (98 lbs)
Age: 71 y.o. 
190 cm (6' 3'')
95 kg (211 lbs)
Age: 50 y.o. 
167 cm (5' 6'')
114 kg (253 lbs)
Age: 24 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
100 kg (222 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o. 
172 cm (5' 8'')
100 kg (222 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
190 cm (6' 3'')
130 kg (289 lbs)
Age: 45 y.o. 
191 cm (6' 3'')
105 kg (233 lbs)
TassieTyger Preferences

Mmm, you'll have a brain and enjoy using it; not have baggage that's holding you too far back (don't we all have baggage of some sort?), have an open- & inquisitive-mind; enjoy it when a man can cook though he's no chef; enjoy being active and good health (chocolate is healthy, yes?), and exploring life with someone you care to spend time with, too.

If you'd seriously consider relocating, and could fund at least 50% of that (fair's fair, I'm not rich in my country), write me, I've travelled overseas once before for love, but unsuccessfully.

If you like flowers and berries that would be nice as my grandfather taught me to love doing so, e.g. I have 8 roses and 4 berries growing here amongst the rest.

You'll also be old enough to not think I'm too old, whilst being young enough to not think I'm too young.

I've seen what many others consider 'growing-up' to mean, but most of that seems largely unappealing to me, when a mature enough but youthful attitude can be just as enjoyable.

  • Australia
  • Virtual relationships (Chat / talk / e-mail)
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
  • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
  • Casual dating (Non-stressful hangouts that occur before you decide you actually want to get serious)
36 - 62
About myself

Recently pushed into retirement earlier than expected, & now hoping to find someone to share my extra free time with. A lifelong love of bicycles has me soon to return to much more of that to enjoy the scenery on those quiet roads, regain some of my lost fitness & drop some kgs along the way.

Sagittarius & Ox both describe me best of the 12 'options', each. In Myers-Briggs TI, I'm an ENTJ.

I visit the mainland for a bicycle race each year, whether I've trained 'enough' for it or not, Lorne is a nice place to revisit. I live very near the beach, so if walks there interest you, I'll substitute some cycling for that! Or leave my love of gardening for another time. I'm aware of having 'good-hands', and love to share them when my touch can be enjoyed, my massage skills have not been formally acquired, though. If I need to, I can also fix a fair few things, too.

I enjoy a wide range of music and movies; when I'm not alone it's more about the sharing than the medium, so we can take turns watching/listening to whatever.

I love a good conversation deep-dive, and many topics interest me, even ones I may know little about. I think a lot but do not believe I'm opinionated, apart from having a reasonable sense of what is true and what may not. I'm open-minded and will willingly answer any question someone I wish to trust may ask me, I hope for the same but am not uncomfortably inquisitive.

So, you'll have a brain and enjoy using it; not have baggage to hold you too far back (don't we all have baggage of some sort?), have an open- & inquisitive-mind; enjoy it when a man can cook though he is no chef; enjoy activity and health, and exploring with someone you care to spend time with, too. I'm actually an agnostic, but was raised in a strong christian family.

Yes, as well as saying or writing too much (!), I can read, listen AND hear, too.

184 cm (6' 0'')
85 kg (189 lbs)
White / Caucasian
Life and work
Drop me a line and I'll tell you
No comment
I prefer not to tell
Write me and I'll tell you
Send me an e-mail and I'll tell you
Pernicious habits
Some light ones
Age: 47 y.o.
186 cm (6' 1'')
140 kg (311 lbs)
Age: 71 y.o.
158 cm (5' 2'')
44 kg (98 lbs)
Age: 71 y.o.
190 cm (6' 3'')
95 kg (211 lbs)
Age: 50 y.o.
167 cm (5' 6'')
114 kg (253 lbs)
Age: 24 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
100 kg (222 lbs)
Age: 64 y.o.
172 cm (5' 8'')
100 kg (222 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
190 cm (6' 3'')
130 kg (289 lbs)
Age: 45 y.o.
191 cm (6' 3'')
105 kg (233 lbs)