A finnish-american mother of a lab mix and a German Shepherd (young female)…a dual citizen, recently studied a few years in a nordic university, but got burned out before graduating, (well I also realized that such a hectic life, the life of an MD would not have been what I wanted anyway. I value privacy, deciding myself what to do with my time, long walks and runs with the doggies, an avid reader, speak a few languages…and a sort of a christian mystic, a trust relationship with God is extremely important to me….I divorced amicably several years ago from a very kind man as I was too young and foolish…have lived in Manhattan, Ithaca, NY and Connecticut mainly… a very gentle and loving person (inspite of the rare times that I do get stressed out…)
I speak some Swedish, German, French, Italian and Spanish, can get around in those countries without much assistance. And of course Finnish.
I have been a bit of a hermit for the past ten years or so, in the company of my dogs only, and G-d, not caring to go out or meet, date other people.
And I am a bit old fashioned, certain things I would leave for marriage if such comes my way.