I believe life is about being balanced in your outlook, seizing of opportunities, how you treat your body and nurtue your mind, connect .care and support friends and family, express kindness love and sexuality and respect the earth and all that is Nature that allows us all life.
I believe that we are not defined by our previous relationships but can take what we have cherished and learned from them into our next connection.
Attraction, intimacy and our expression of them is a respectful and essential and important part of us and never to seen as a commody.
In order to grow in self respect and understanding new experiences are essential.
I have priotitised the physical condition of my body always and serviced it with the knowledge of nutrition and physical conditioning and skill development.
I choose not to judge people on any platform and allow them to identify themselves through their own behaviours.
I now feel ready to embrace new experiences.
I am drawn to the creative, are creative , whilst maintaining prime physical condition and daily focus on maintained mental health and clarity.