You should be employed or employable - at a job that doesn't give you an ulcer. (life's too short to be miserable.) The measure of the man isn't in how rich or poor he is, but in how he lives his life. Blue collar or white collar - no matter. You should have your own interests - ones we could possibly share, but you would be comfortable doing 'your favorite things' by yourself, too. (yes the point of a relationship is to have somebody to do things with, but not to be joined at the hip.) I don't nag. I do cook. I hate to shop. And I'm relatively well-balanced (as much as any estrogen-based life form can be) and you should also have balance in your life.
If your best friend is the mirror, you wear more makeup than me and you comb your hair 4x/hour without fail, we probably don't have much in common. I'll think about the murse. You shouldn't be squeamish around farm animals and if you can help slaughter that years freezer offering - big points. You should be an omnivore. I grow a mean garden of veggies year-round (even in my climate) - but I do cook meat on a regular basis. If fresh meat, free-range eggs, fresh milk & homemade butter, cheese & bread don't sit well with you - if the smell of a frying pan full of bacon isn't up your alley - it probably wouldn't work. I don't have children - but if you do, it's cool.
I'm not going to get married to give you citizenship or a green card. Wanna get hitched? We can live in your country. I'm good with languages - will be interesting to take on another language at this point in life. If you're a scammer, you'll rue the day you dropped me a line. I'm not a bank. I don't lend money - and I don't "gift" money. Nor do I ask for loans or gifts. Scammers, spammers & assorted slime need not write. Points for living 'in the country'. Not much of a 'town' or 'city' gal - i'm out of the rat race. Am pretty happy here on the back 40 diggin' in the dirt.
(and just in case the above didn't offend you enough: Please don't live in India. If you do, that's fine - just move on. You may be the only *other* non-sexually repressed normal man who can actually carry on a convo with a woman in the entire country - and it'll be my loss. That's ok.)