I’m a wonderful, kind, generous woman, sensitive to suffering of others, both psychological and physical. I’m very well educated (at The Best schools) and love without limit music, visual arts, literature. “Best schools” notwithstanding. I have a hard time with self entitled, wealthy, and materialistic people. Id much rather spend time with an inmate locked up in a local jails (and I have often been; was a public defender for a while.) Have been in Athens since early ‘90’s. New York City — where I’d spent most of my life until until then. NYC is Just “too much.” . Born in Brooklyn (before it was slightest bit cool) so nothing to prove. Definitelynnot a white Southeree
Man or woman. Cool and eccentric sense of humor speak english yep) and French enough to read Proust in original. I love almost all types of music, especially if the performers are brilliant, more than anything in life. Am very close to family. Sister/best friend live nearby in Athens. Nieces in Morocco and Montreal permanently but we bwry close. A wonderful brother and kids in Maine. Still or rushing water, kayaking, moonlight. trees— esp on windy summer night, Honorable public servants. Zelensky, the current pope, Thich Nhat Han, Biden (brave, honorable adult and intelligent.
Opera, nature. studying languages. Loving human being and — though I can be dark — am always ecstatic about the wonder of the universe, and g being in for whatever time I have had and still have.
Looking for love and tender friendship. Someone to share my wonder about existence and my horror and sadness — esp for the loveless perpetrators —-that humans perpetrat