Talkative, Structured, Adventurous, Forward, Spontaneous, Empathic and Solution Focused
As for the personality trait "extroversion" deemed to belong to those who are both outgoing and reserved. Sometimes you want to be with others and sometimes you think it's good to be alone Sometimes you want to be the one who takes the lead and gets attention, but at other times you think it is okay to others decide and focus.
As for the personality trait "Care" is deemed to belong to those who are more compassionate and emotional. You describe yourself as warm and friendly You are a person who likes to help others and can recognize your own faults. A diligent and cordial person who likes other people and that takes into account the needs of others. You are usually mindful of other people's feelings and want to understand what motivates them and how the world looks from their perspective.
As for the personality trait "Control" is deemed to belong to those who believe that order and control is important. You describe yourself as an orderly person who often are well prepared, have a good overview of what to do and have a plan to solve the tasks. Probably would you prefer to complete one task before starting a new one. You like to know what will happen from day to day, both at work and at home.
As for the personality trait "temperament" is deemed to be the ones who can be both sensible and sentimental. You reverberates not up for no reason, but can still get angry if you become provoked. You usually manages to analyze a situation before you decide whether to be optimistic or pessimistic.
As for the personality trait "Transparency" is deemed to be the ones who can be both conservative and open to new experiences. Sometimes you think it's fun to learn new things but you do not need to constantly learn something new. Your need for predictability can be adapted to the situation. You can choose to work with conventional and fixed routines when it is convenient but you can thrive equally well in an environment that is more characterized by innovation and change.