I am a woman who has been widowed for 8 years. I have a 15 yr old son (so now I know why animals eat their young!) He's the light of my light, my miracle, but the bane of my existence. Lol. If you have kids, especially teens, you understand! My husband committed suicide, so my life has been mainly about working hard to try to give my son the best life I can without his father. Along that line, I guess I neglected my own needs. I'm beginning to realize that spending all your time working doesn't give your soul satisfaction. I'm now looking deeper in myself, in spirituality, all kinds of spirituality, looking for ways to de-stress, enjoying outdoor activities, bettering myself. I've lost 30 lbs in 3 months and I'm still losing, for myself. I realize now that I deserve a happy life, full of friends, and activities, and laughter, and a great love again. And until that great love comes again, I want to find some people to hang out with, to laugh with...(I even laugh at little boy fart jokes!) I'm realizing that I need to take breaks from work...I just love traveling! I went to Aruba last week. Just beautiful! So many places I haven't seen yet... Do you like to travel too?
And my user name.... the people who smile so big that it touches their eyes... you are my tribe! You are the men I trust. I love your laugh lines at the corners of your eyes, and love the twinkle in your eye that let's me know you might have a bit of naughtiness on your mind!! ?