I can tell in a few moments if I mesh with a Lady. I think Women do that too, and that is a good thing.
I like Movies and shopping. A backyard BBQ with good friends and an evening of live Music (from "US". Musical People at the BBQ. Then maybe a trip to the Beach after dusk to explore and enjoy this wonderful place. Take a Pier walk. Sit on the Mianda of a Tiki Bar for drinks or Coffee. (French FRIES and/or Fried Calamari is on the menu).
Finally an in-house Movie in Netflix with whatever stragglers are left lol.
Holidays are fun! Cooking is One of My favorite things to do next to EATING SOMEONE else's hime recipies.
For conversatiin I like eclectic but intelkegent FUNNY conversation.
As for My taste in Women: I never would have thought I'd get the hots for WOMEN over 55. But I think the maturity about life and the Lady's BRAIN is the SEXIEST PART of the makeop if the complicated delicate creature known as a Human FEMALE.
I like ti be kept guessing until U feel comfortable. Don't misunderstand... Funny and quirky, quick to laugh pretty eyes nice composure and not too excitable. Besides a Lady's MIND...I like ALL the OTHER PARTS TOO! Ha Ha
I'd love to Serenade You. And anybody that makes You happy. And any Ine that keeps You safe Photos are a must.
Thanks for reading this far.