My name is Ivo / Ivelin / from the city of Ruse, Bulgaria... I also live in Switzerland.
I am a former military pilot /Su-25/, former hockey player, former radio journalist, now I am a sports psychologist.
One of my hobbies is Adventure Travel, type: "Marco Polo and Indiana Jones". I despise the system of total control of the global police state over the free human spirit! I am in excellent psycho - physical shape of my body and soul!
I come from an Orthodox family, but I don't believe in jewish sects: Christianity, Islam, Judaism... My gods are from the pantheon of Asatru ODIN and Valhalla... I also like Kashmiri Shivaism!
I'm looking for a girl like me - Conscious, without complexes and without ego, not eating flesh - meat! I like athletic white girls /Swedish type/, with blue or green eyes - long straight hair is my obsession!
I have not been married, I have no children, I live an interesting life... I am a very bright type of person, like a rock star... and just as modest and beautiful (((hehehe)))
I have no material aspirations for career, power and money!
I am sentimental, minimalist, ultra vegan!
I live in harmony with nature and wildlife!
Bicycles are my passion - I pedal like a professional!
This is a great flat training for mountain climbing, which I adore!
I like good old cinema, from the days before cinema degraded (thanks to Hollywood). Cinema has one language: French-Italian!!!
I'm a fan of heavy metal! I prefer black Metal and Melodic Dead Metal from Northern Europe! I also like Dead Metal from the good old Florida! I also love listening to classical baroque music, opera, harpsichord... radio theater, audiobooks!
He has owned more than 63 countries alone! I have lived long enough in the Far East with yogis, shamans and wizards... I do not believe in fate and death - I have seen dozens of miracles! Thanks to Tibetan enlightened monks, I know that life on earth is artificially created! I know that our life and everything on the planet is controlled by a computer! But I don't know where this computer is! I was not told... I have a doctorate in: Esoterics, Alchemy and Occultism...
I managed to keep the child in me, in spite of the modern conjugation civilization of cannibals - slaves of labor...
Deduction and mental psychology are one of my other selves!
My eyes are green!
Женское сердце и женский разум — неразрешимая загадка для мужчины. Они могут простить и обúяснить убийство, и в то же время какой-нибудь мелкий грешок способен причинить им мучительные страдания.