Oh boy these descriptions are tough. Ok, I guess I have to say this: I am a bit of loner, but please don't hold that against me. I am what you would call a free Thinker', in other words I don't conform to most mainstream ideals and whatnot, although I consider new ideas exciting and interesting.
It does not take much to satisfy me, so extravagance is not in my lifestyle.
I also think that friendship is always a good way to see if something deeper can develop. You can't go wrong in making a friend no matter what your long term goals are.
I am poor, and comfortable with that fact. I make due with what I have.
As for relationships, I am a bit old school when it comes to long term situations, but in between anything goes.
If I seem a bit vague with this, I apologize. My restricted lifestyle has not given me a broad or sophisticated world view you might say, but I can hold my own on many issues.
I believe in taking risks. Without that, life would be very dull I think.
And lastly, trust is very very important to me. That has to be earned and built up, not handed out as a prize.