I was registered blind due to a hereditary condition two years ago, although I still have a lot of vision remaining although everything is blurred. However, I do not let this stop me living my life to the max.
I am a very keen martial artist. I am currently one before black belt and I also enjoy going to the gym and exercising in general. In an average week I do around 16 hours of exercise.
I have started my first year of A Level studies at college, studying philosophy, RE and sociology.
After my A levels I hope to go to university and eventually embark on a lucrative career.
I am quite shy to begin with but once you get to know me you will probably find me bubbly and with a good sense of humour.
When I am not exercising I like relax in front of the TV, listening to music or out with my mates I have an eclectic taste in music encompassing everything from Gangsta rap to opera but I hate Indie music and am not too keen on Country and Western.
I am very fashion conscious and like to dress in good-quality clothes.