Hello, My name is Greg. My nationality is Hungarian, but I moved into the United States.
My profile shows a lot about me, but I would like to tell you some important thing about myself. :)
Well, I am interested in a lot of thing like: photography, drawing, music, movies, everyday news, driving, digital arts and much more.
I started working in 2006 in Hungary as webdesigner, and software operator. In 2010, I created a little US business in Florida, Miam, which name is IEOSP. What is IEOSP? International Equal Opportunity & Service Provider.
There is a very important thing for me which is Equal Opportunity, especially for disabled people.
Why? Because I have got a genetic based skin problem, which name is Ichthyosis. I have got some corner of my life. I can not go out when the sun is shining strongly, because my medicine makes me UV allergy.
In Hungary the doctors can not do anything with Ichthyosis, but here, in the Unites States I have got some friends who live with this skin problem, and they can tell a lot of good idea which can make easier of my life.
Well, a lot of people create an opinion about me simply looking, but only some people can see into my soul.. Somebody can not accept me. Why? Because I am not beauty and tall.
I am 26 years old but I will 27 in this June. I would like to find my second part of my everyday life. Who can accept me with my good and bad things.
If you want to know more about me, please do not hesitate to write a mail.
With best regards:
Post scriptum: Sorry about my bad english knowledge.