I am shy to new people
I cannot spell so good luck reading
I am great with kids and yes I am 1 :)
I am very good at making stuff up so if you like crazy storys or wierd ideas I got all you will ever need
I do not have the thing that tells you not to say it
So I will say what ever I want when I want
I talk funny so if you 1 of those peaple that needs ever 1 to talk right or spell
Right. move on cuss I not for you.
good points about me are
I dont cure about alot of stuff is long is you not hurting any 1 and
you dont perv out on me at the start you can be your self with me.
i am a magnet for kids after they figer out i will play with them they dont leave me alone lol
i have ok smarts and yes thats a good thing out here
if you looking for some 1 that will love you hug you all the time that will be me i think any way never had a girlfriend so maybe i just starv for love
worning no 1 ever won my hart but 2 girls
but i just could not win theres
i will listen to you talk. probably will not have a answer for you but i will listen. unleash you talk 24/7
sorry i need some silence
ever 1 fines me funny
i will all most do any thing i think any way
i am a very nice guy unleash playing games sorry its just no fun if i not trying
going 2 list what is the worst things about me that i can think of is cuss after that well its only can get
I cannot remember any thing I have a gold fish brain.Because of that I will be the stupest smart person you
will ever know
I will not and cannot erase the 1s that I did fall in love. at this moment is 2
But that dont mean that I will cheat on you if we get that far
It just means that they will all ways have a spot en my hart
At the moment trying to move on from my secont love thats just killing me thats why I on here
I love the cold
I have the Devil is curs on me my luck is hell
I hat dining
I hat traveling in car
I swear alot
I am a organize messy guy
I will not change who i am to suit you
I am done being a farmer so i will not help with farming if you have a farm
I will probably ask you to turn music way down or off it hurts my ears and gives me a headache
maybe turn down tv to
MY FAMILY come first before dats and what ever we have plan
I not a pervert maybe if I like you i will be but other wise no
I will only be perverted to you if I fall for you so dont have to worry about me just trying to get lay and a
till I worm up to you dont be perverted to
me cuss you will just piss me off.Wait a little bit
First off I would like to start off is friends
I have never had a girlfriend so this mite be off.
But I want some 1 that will let me cuddle them/hold them all the time 24/7.
Some 1 that likes to have there hear straight down all time.
Some 1 that will not let any 1 other hit on them and will not hit on others if we become boyfriend and
I not sure if this will happen but if it does I hope that you will let me perv out on you all I want
i only a pervert to the 1s i love so atill i want you is my girlfriend dont worry i wont even try to kiss you
at most a hug i am a huger bear huger to so good luck.
You dont have to be but if you love anime and gaming sweet bonus.
if you a girl that likes to have guy hear cuts move on I dont know why you like to look like a guy but y not
4 me
This page will be a little abot my taste
You looks will rilly only go off of 2 things
Your face and if your hear is strate down
With me you will not have to worry about pretting your self up just coom your hear strait down so just be
your own self and lit you normal Beauty
I look at faces not your clothing or top or butt so dont wast you time trying to get points that way