I know what I want. I’d, however like meeting somebody with whom we’re able to shatter all to pieces so we can both discover something totally new and create something absolutely beautiful, like an eternal, very sacred flight with dance over an undiscovered and very enchanting territory, soothing and at the same time utterly exciting in its manifestations in every level.
If you have Strong spiritual orientation and commitment to a healthy, organic and even sustainable living, that could be a great starting point for the new direction to the so desired, sweet and Pure Land of Love. The said, so far, should have been honest and strong enough to sieve out the excessively high maintenance and unaware, wasteful.
As you have read so far, you’d likely felt yourself intrigued, as send me a little what-ever message now.
I bless you with all my power to discover the immense beauty of the Ultimate, that Sweet Pure Land, including the Love, Kindness, Compassion and Eternal Bliss you’ve been craving for.