I believe the measure of success is how a person reacts to life's challenges and disappointments. I believe there is beauty in every moment of this thing we call life. I believe in love, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, joy, authenticity, passion for life, and that every next moment has within it the potential of growth and wonder.
I am 46 years old proud mother to two wonderful sons. I have lived several lives within this one and am in the process of beginning a new one as my youngest son is in his last year of childhood. Although I will always be a mother, my duties as such are ever growing smaller as my opportunities as a retired, unmarried, adventurous, and ever-learning, woman are expanding exponentially.
I am a well educated woman, independent minded, comfortable with myself, and always striving to grow, learn, and remain as authentic as possible. I seek someone who is the same for communication and friendship.