I not perfect sorry
but I am a good man ( compared to others i think). As a man i see the world different to you, a woman.
And i see men more. I work with them everyday, and we talk bullshit a lot ha yes, just for the fun of it. But we understand what is important, and what is not. And a lot is expected of us.
I suppose my faith in God,and I am not ashamed of it.
I need it! a faith, a hope to forgive my sins.
and there are many sins my life.
I value the goodness in us all, and just try to be better each day, though we stumble.
What else can we do? but battle on. Life is not easy. You know.
I have good morals and care for other people.
I do not desire riches...I desire wisdom and understanding
compassion and love
( though it would be great to win lotto ha!)
these things are important to me.
and if you are my partner i promise I will please you.
You just have to call me. I am right now single Grant