Probably INFJ (MBTI). If you don't know what this is, don't worry, I'll figure it out soon enough. All men want the same things from women: 1. Beauty, 2. Youth, 3. Health, 4. Trustworthiness. If you don't believe me, you can look this up. It's fairly well researched and documented. But if you think this is unfair, you should see the list of what women want from men. It's three times longer with 12 items instead of 4. Of course, these all vary by the man or the woman.
Personally, I want a little bit more, which is a bit of chemistry. I'd like for you to be at least a little bit educated, and sophisticated.
I'm not interested in raising another man's children - I've already done that.
If you're a stuck-up little princess, also forget it - I'm not raising you either.
If you want to contact me, I don't have any blocks on my profile. There are no age or place limitations.
I'm on this particular site because it crosses international boundaries, which is my preference. I'm looking to meet nice ladies from all around the world. I don't care what country you're from.
I'm in this for the nice girl. This means that if you're all closed-up and don't reveal anything, I'm not going to waste my time on you. More information is better. I'm not interested in "mysterious women." I'm not stupid - it just means you're hiding something.
At least two photos. If you leave only one photo, I'm not wasting my time. "Friends first" - forget it - I'm not here to make friends.
If you have a criminal record, also forget it. I really am just interested in good girls.
A lot of you ladies have all kinds of demands. You seem to get in your own way of happiness, so again, I won't waste my time on you. To me, that just says you're not ready or you're not serious.
If you know your MBTI type, I'm primarily interested in F-type (Feeler/emotional) and J-types. I prefer iNtuitives (N-types), but I'm open to Sensing (S-types). As for Introversion or Extroversion, I suspect that Introverts will work better with me. But I'll try out Extroverts. I'm not interested in T-types. I've been with P-types before and they're lots of fun but in a long term situation I think a J-type will work out better with me.