I am a Man from the Kur clan.
I live on the coast of the Pacific Ocean (Japanese Sea) at the moment within russian federations, but this is temporary.
I am engaged in agriculture and international trading business, I have a private house.
In the past I am a doctor, rescuer, builder.(If in a narrow sense) For 20 years I served the motherland, the people, humanity. Now to Nature and my family.
I really appreciate my time, not because I'm a snob, but because the last thing I did because I had time was to develop an absolutely effective and instant treatment for fungal and yeast infections (this is not the first and not the last of my personal success in the field of my hobbies.And far from the most significant.)
My photos are not on the Internet, no anywere. Because publicity is a taboo for me, such is the culture of my great ancestors. And I am sure that all living beings are equal for the world, so for me personally, modesty does not hurt.
But I can easily email you my photo as soon as you ask my wife is a wonderful woman, very literate, knows how to do everything and is very beautiful. But I'm used to loving humanity. What is it like to love 7 billion and then switch all your love to one woman?! I need at least one more wife and many children. :)
My wife on this occasion says: "Why not!"
I really want my children and grandchildren and the children of my grandchildren, each of them to achieve tens and hundreds of times more than I can in my life. So that each of them could say, I did for the benefit of myself, family and nature what my father could not even dream of. This is the primary purpose of my life. If you like it, then you and I are probably on the same path. I know! Every living being has its own purpose of existence in the world. Believe! I can help you achieve yours. Because we will be connected by the essence and become a support for our descendants. (This cannot be explained in a few words. But I can with constant communication with you.)
Each person is the best in something of his own, and he, like a locomotive, pulls wagons (people) behind him in the direction in which he is better. This is logical and expedient. And this is not patriarchy, not matriarchy and not equality, but it is natural for everyone to strive for this. Don't be afraid to break the commandment. (Be afraid, keeping the commandment, to do a bad deed.)