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Meet Single Norfolk Island woman from Cascade

Age: 44 y.o, woman, Single
Location: Norfolk Island, Cascade
Zodiac sign: Aries (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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fsddss43 Norfolk Island Woman from Cascade
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fsddss43 Preferences
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  • Norfolk Island
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
About myself

I have always been associated with a true woman. I am a very tender,passionate,devoted and supportive woman and I believe that the most attractive beauty is your inner satisfaction and self-acceptance.My inner world is built on appreciation, adventures and positive thinking and it has lead me towards having the life I have always wanted to have. And here, I am looking for the man who will be able to share his life with me, because my everyday life is almost a fairy-tail, not because it just happened to be, but because I have worked for it. I believe in eternal love and loyalty with the person you are choosing to spend your life with!

151 cm (4' 11'')
46 kg (102 lbs)
White / Caucasian
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