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Meet Single Canadian woman from Calgary

Age: 30 y.o, woman, Single
Location: Canada, Alberta, Calgary
Zodiac sign: Scorpio (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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TiffanyDesire Canadian Woman from Calgary
 8.8Rate it
TiffanyDesire Canadian Woman from Calgary
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People Near TiffanyDesire

Age: 68 y.o. 
160 cm (5' 3'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 51 y.o. 
165 cm (5' 5'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 36 y.o. 
172 cm (5' 8'')
Age: 55 y.o. 
167 cm (5' 6'')
63 kg (140 lbs)
Age: 32 y.o. 
158 cm (5' 2'')
44 kg (98 lbs)
Age: 57 y.o. 
168 cm (5' 6'')
Age: 61 y.o. 
166 cm (5' 5'')
66 kg (147 lbs)
Age: 37 y.o. 
152 cm (5' 0'')
50 kg (111 lbs)
Age: 68 y.o.
160 cm (5' 3'')
40 kg (89 lbs)
Age: 51 y.o.
165 cm (5' 5'')
90 kg (200 lbs)
Age: 36 y.o.
172 cm (5' 8'')
Age: 55 y.o.
167 cm (5' 6'')
63 kg (140 lbs)
Age: 32 y.o.
158 cm (5' 2'')
44 kg (98 lbs)
Age: 57 y.o.
168 cm (5' 6'')
Age: 61 y.o.
166 cm (5' 5'')
66 kg (147 lbs)
Age: 37 y.o.
152 cm (5' 0'')
50 kg (111 lbs)
TiffanyDesire Preferences

a sweet asian man who is ready to settle down and be with someone he loves, who is stable and a gentleman and is on the clingy side.

    • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
    • Marriage (Lifelong relationship, family, children)
    18 - 22
    About myself

    Hey! well to start off, I am an 18 year old girl with a love for asian men, true gentleman are a must, I need a man who opens the car door and offers his jacket. I used to have a car, I have my full licence, but I had to leave my car up in Edmonton so I would prefer it if you could drive. I love a man who is sensible and sweet, romantic and clingy, the clingier the guy the better. I love a man who wants to take care of me, who wants to protect me and who wants to be around me all the time. A guy with muscle is never a downfall. But I really need someone loyal and committed.

    I want a man who is genuinely concerned for me, who never wants to leave me alone and who has a very traditional outlook on life. But that's enough about what I want in you, I believe that this should be about what I could give you, rather then what you could give me.

    I am a very sweet, very traditional girl, when I have children I would love to stay at home with them, having my husband come home to his house that smells like freshly baked pastries and a warm traditional dinner. My dream is to be married, and have a steady job in healthcare, eventually have children, but mostly have adventures with the man I love before hand. I have a plan and a back-up plan for everything but things always tend to get off course with me, I'm very spontaneous, I have a large love for pizza and other junk, I am a teenage girl in college after all! I came from a great family, loving parents that are still married, cute pug (who I had to leave behind with my family) I like to dance and sing, many people tell me that I should have been a singer for a famous band or that I should have tried out for american Idol, I used to model, and I weighed very little (under 100lbs) and then I gained weight, I wont lie, I now weigh around 145lbs, and my self confidence has been a little low lately.

    I'm not overly picky, personality and how chivalrous you are matters far more then how hot you are. I don`t do much working out (All I do is climb 10 flights of stairs a day) so I don`t expect you to work out like 19 hours a week like it is your only goal in life, you must love my body though, and I mean love it. It is very important to me that you appreciate me and show me affection. I thrive off affection and I love a man who is jealous. A possessive guy is great.

    I love Disney movies, you will never ever get me to stop watching them, if there was a choice between a new Disney cartoon and an action, I would go for the Disney movie, hands down. I dreamed of being a Disney princess when I was younger and it led to an obsession with the jewellery store Tiffany`s, I only want jewellery from Tiffany`s, nothing else compares. So to answer your question if you read this far is no, my name is not Tiffany.

    I really like things such as lazy days in bed, and cooking, I am an incredible baker, no one makes a better home made apple pie then yours truly. I also love animals.

    Also if you know what harvest moon is and you enjoy playing it then you should contact me immediately! This is all I have to say about myself right now, if there are any more questions please ask me! I`m not mean!!!!

    oh btw a quote that suits me perfectly is ``I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it!!!``

    159 cm (5' 3'')
    68 kg (151 lbs)
    Write me and I will tell you
    Life and work
    Currently in college
    A "night owl" - like to stay up late
    • career
    • long-term relationships
    • read
    • be on my own
    • dine out
    • play the computer
    • surf the Internet
    • Cooking
    • Science
    • Theatre
    • Pop
    • Jazz
    • Classical
    • Swimming
    • Yoga and meditation
    Pernicious habits

    People Near TiffanyDesire

    Age: 68 y.o. 
    160 cm (5' 3'')
    40 kg (89 lbs)
    Age: 51 y.o. 
    165 cm (5' 5'')
    90 kg (200 lbs)
    Age: 36 y.o. 
    172 cm (5' 8'')
    Age: 55 y.o. 
    167 cm (5' 6'')
    63 kg (140 lbs)
    Age: 32 y.o. 
    158 cm (5' 2'')
    44 kg (98 lbs)
    Age: 57 y.o. 
    168 cm (5' 6'')
    Age: 61 y.o. 
    166 cm (5' 5'')
    66 kg (147 lbs)
    Age: 37 y.o. 
    152 cm (5' 0'')
    50 kg (111 lbs)
    Age: 68 y.o.
    160 cm (5' 3'')
    40 kg (89 lbs)
    Age: 51 y.o.
    165 cm (5' 5'')
    90 kg (200 lbs)
    Age: 36 y.o.
    172 cm (5' 8'')
    Age: 55 y.o.
    167 cm (5' 6'')
    63 kg (140 lbs)
    Age: 32 y.o.
    158 cm (5' 2'')
    44 kg (98 lbs)
    Age: 57 y.o.
    168 cm (5' 6'')
    Age: 61 y.o.
    166 cm (5' 5'')
    66 kg (147 lbs)
    Age: 37 y.o.
    152 cm (5' 0'')
    50 kg (111 lbs)