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Meet Widowed Canadian man from Halifax

Age: 66 y.o, man, Widowed
Location: Canada, Nova Scotia, Halifax
Zodiac sign: Capricorn (check compatibility)
Status: Unverified

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RobbiePhil Canadian Man from Halifax
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People Near RobbiePhil

Age: 49 y.o. 
184 cm (6' 0'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o. 
191 cm (6' 3'')
79 kg (176 lbs)
Age: 43 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 30 y.o. 
196 cm (6' 5'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o. 
170 cm (5' 7'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 45 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
79 kg (176 lbs)
Age: 49 y.o.
184 cm (6' 0'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o.
191 cm (6' 3'')
79 kg (176 lbs)
Age: 43 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 30 y.o.
196 cm (6' 5'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o.
170 cm (5' 7'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 45 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
79 kg (176 lbs)
RobbiePhil Preferences
I'm still working on my profile.
  • Canada
  • Dating (Short or long-term relationships, commitments and monogamy)
About myself

About Me

I don't want to waste your time, or mine. Hence, set the ground: I am super cautious about covid. If you are not, or work in an industry with people who commonly don't wear masks, then please pass.

Also, I have been messed around with by people on this site who have lovely photos of lovely women, and chat in ways that are very intelligent and attractive, but never want to video chat, and then attempt to scam me. My signal that you are not who you say you are is that you don't really want me to see you.

Also, if you do not reside in Nova Scotia at this time, then please pass. I am not into virtual relationships.

I am transparent--I like personal connection, and tend to get emotionally involved quickly. But trust takes time. So after chatting here, having a basic connection, maybe texting off-site, very soon i would want a video chat. This will establish trust in many aspects, and serve to cut through the nonsense and really see who we are and how we might have a mutually beneficial arrangement. It is like a covid-safe coffee date. We could even drink coffee while we chat. Nothing naughty is required. If you have no intention of having a video chat soon, then please pass.

Now, about me: I live in Halifax. it's beautiful for about 6 months of the year. And then there's winter, when I want to go south, or just elsewhere--except that is not possible now. Maybe another time?

I am kind, considerate, honest, willing to please, adventurous. I take criticism, yet I try not to give it--why be petty? I offer my heart, my mind, my body, and some finances. I am fit, slim, muscular for an old guy (no six-pack. maybe 2 and a half?). I am tall, broad-shouldered and, ah, er, 'well endowed'.

However, what I offer, other than nice things, good food, a good time, financial support, etc. (lots of etc.) is my experience. I am unusually well educated, very experienced in many different careers, business, academics, research. I have graduate education in many disciplines social science to hard science. I know how to carry myself, and I frequently advise people in life directions and problems--sometimes they even appreciate the suggestions. I am happy to provide mentorship as well as some regular financial support, and maybe future investment.

Don't expect high financial rewards for seeing me the first time. Think investment--start slow, share benefits, spread happiness and satisfaction, and grow together. Then I can become very generous. I am caring, ethical, honest and open. I will not lie to you (although some secrets must be hidden--LOL) and I expect the same in return.

I don't have a jealous or possessive bone in my body. I am a busy guy, although I don't have to work for income, and have several projects I am working on, with my own internal motivation.

I am a Buddhist meditator, and can teach you about that if you wish. I will never knowingly cause harm, either emotional or physical. (I like some role playing, but never would I cause pain.) I don't drink or smoke tobacco, although I used to, so I understand. I do indulge pot--very 420-friendly as they say (but this is Canada, so its all legal; Oh, Ca na da! and some vino, and don't mind if you smoke, puff and/or drink. I don't mind if you don't, either. Up to you (no hard drugs around me, please). I want you to be yourself.

I am very concerned about covid and other diseases, and expect you to be on your toes about that also. Get tested before you get serious about me, or anyone else--why not? its free! Its easy! it helps peace of mind. That will be a conversation on the road to building trust between us.

182 cm (6' 0'')
80 kg (178 lbs)
I'd rather not tell
Contact me and I'll tell you
Let's chat and I'll tell you
I need to check
What hair?
Life and work
I'll let you guess
Nudge me to update it by sending a message
Pernicious habits

People Near RobbiePhil

Age: 49 y.o. 
184 cm (6' 0'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o. 
181 cm (5' 11'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o. 
191 cm (6' 3'')
79 kg (176 lbs)
Age: 43 y.o. 
175 cm (5' 9'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 30 y.o. 
196 cm (6' 5'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o. 
170 cm (5' 7'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o. 
187 cm (6' 2'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 45 y.o. 
183 cm (6' 0'')
79 kg (176 lbs)
Age: 49 y.o.
184 cm (6' 0'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 52 y.o.
181 cm (5' 11'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o.
191 cm (6' 3'')
79 kg (176 lbs)
Age: 43 y.o.
175 cm (5' 9'')
74 kg (164 lbs)
Age: 30 y.o.
196 cm (6' 5'')
81 kg (180 lbs)
Age: 42 y.o.
170 cm (5' 7'')
70 kg (156 lbs)
Age: 35 y.o.
187 cm (6' 2'')
84 kg (187 lbs)
Age: 45 y.o.
183 cm (6' 0'')
79 kg (176 lbs)